What is a Swag Codes?

They are strings of text that you can apply for instant Swag Bucks (SB). Sometimes they look LIKETHIS. Other times, LiKEtH1S. Swag Codes are case-sensitive and will NEVER have any spaces in them and is only available for few hours.

Where can I find these Swag Codes?

The codes can be found in several places and varies a little by region. Before you download the Google Chrome Extension by clicking HERE. The Extension is also available for download on Firefox, by clicking HERE. And to receive notifications when there are active codes you must subscribe in our page.

We will tell you exactly what Swag Codes are active during the day and how long they last. You should only subscribe to our social networks to be able to notify you when a new code is released. Swag codes can appear on Facebook, Twitter, Swagbucks Blog, Printerest or appear on a Shop & Earn store page or in the description of Swagstakes or on our Google+.

Swagbucks does not a schedule, so we do not know when they will come more swag codes. Sign up for our notifications so you never miss they codes.

How to redeem Swag Codes?

If you’re on any page on, enter the code in the code box at the top, hover over the icon and paste the code.. It looks like this (below):

Always copy and paste a code when using a PC. Double click the code, press ctrl+c to copy, then ctrl+v to paste it.

If you’re on the go and using the Mobile app tap the swag code wheel  icon shown above and type in the code.

Be sure you are entering the code correctly. Codes are case sensitive. Make sure you don’t have any spaces before or after the code.

Codes are sometimes country specific, or may be good for all countries. You should try every code, every time, regardless of country. (note: Stealth codes are different, see below).

There are different ways to get Swag Codes and here we explain the most important.

- Regular Codes: These are released randomly

- Stealth Codes: These are unique codes, good for one use by only you. Read more info:

Look on our post to see what country the code is for (US = United States, CA = Canada, UK = United Kingdom / Ireland).

- Swagbutton Codes: Obviously these codes can only be entered in the Swagbutton. You will need to download it here:

- Mobile Codes: These codes can only be entered in the Swagbucks Mobile App, US only. Other countries will usually get their own codes for that day.

-Special Events:
ISpy: Plays a search game. They release four questions throughout the day and want you to use their search to get the answer. Once you have the answer, enter it just like the code using the instructions above. ISpy are limited use, only good for the first few thousand people so they will expire in a few minutes or less. Read more info:

Swag Code Extravaganza: Generally once a month Swagbucks will release several codes throughout the day. We will post these codes and send notifications as usual.

- Crave Codes: These are unique codes, good for one use by only you.
You will need to complete the specified nCrave activity to get your unique code. Read more about nCrave. You must complete the activity and enter the code in the allotted time frame the code is active (usually within one hour after release).